B. V. Shabalkin, cardiac surgeon, MD, professor. One of the founders of IHD surgery in the USSR and Russia. The first head of the IHD surgery department of B.V. Petrovsky Russian National Research Center of Surgery of RAMS.
"What's best for a patient? Normal physiology. Hypothermia is cooling of the patient, it is an extreme situation. We came to the conclusion that 34-36 degrees is the best option of artificial circulation. To stop the heart, it does not need to be cooled. In our country, it is difficult to implement what has been invented in our country. But I think that Normacor® will take its place, the due first place. You enter the market with a new drug that shows its absolute safety for the patient. And patients with disabled myocardium undergo the operative and postoperative periods without complications.
I think I'll live to see the happy day when I can congratulate you on the successful implementation of Normacor® in all surgical clinics of our country."
N. L. Bayandin, MD, professor. Head of the Department of Cardiology, O.M.Filatov City Clinical Hospital No.15 (Moscow), one of the country’s leading institutions in terms of the amount of surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass. Member of the Russian and European Associations of Cardiovascular Surgeons.
"We are not completely satisfied with the effect of the solutions we are using, because there is a risk of postoperative heart failure in the patients in grave condition, and at the moment, the surgeons would ask themselves: "Was the protection of the heart during the period of aorta cross-clamping sufficient?" To solve this problem, we were pleased to use a new cardioplegic drug - Normacor®, it was attractive due to its characteristics. Using Normacor®, a surgeon does not have to stop during the surgery; the surgical field does not require additional methods to improve visualization because the coronary arteries are clearly visible; the myocardium restores quickly; thus the time is saved and the surgery rate is maintained. Using Custodiol, it takes you 20 minutes to perform cardioplegia, Normacor® has no such disadvantage. In our group, we have not encountered any symptoms of heart failure during the postoperative period, and we think that it is the benefit of Normacor®. I am sure that a large number of surgeons will like to work with it, and Normacor® will take its rightful , and perhaps even a leading position among cardioplegic solutions used during open heart surgeries."
R.N. Komarov, MD, professor. Director of the Clinic of Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Invasive Cardiology at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Head of the Department of Aortic Surgery
"The key surgical stage (Bentall procedure) lasted for 1 hour 30 minutes on single infusion of Normacor®. After that heart rhythm recovered unaided, with no tonic support, with normal ECG and with normal blood pressure indicators. … I consider it possible to perform serious heart surgery on the preparation safely. … We have experience of more than 70 surgeries performed with Normacor®. All positive, there are no remarks. … Great advantage is that this solution is officially registered."